The CRKT Redemption is an All American Old West Homage

CRKT Bolsters Their American Made Line-up With a Magnacut Blade on a Ken Onion Design.

The upcoming CRKT Redemption is a Ken Onion design made in collaboration with Hogue (and it should not be confused with another, much larger Onion-designed offering from CRKT: a very wavy fixed blade also named the Redemption). The spear point blade and coffin handle give the knife a more-than-just-old-school vibe that is “a tribute to the knives carried by the outlaws and poker players of the Wild West,” per CRKT’s press release.

The Redemption is the latest pocket knife in CRKT's American made line-up.

Here are the specs:

Overall Length:9.19″
Blade Length:4.06″
Blade Style:Spear point
Blade Steel:CPM Magnacut
Handle:G10 w/ steel bolster
Lock type:Crossbar
Pocket clip:Deep carry, reversible

This is the third CRKT knife to use a crossbar lock, which combos with a reversible clip to make the Redemption fully ambidextrous. The blade disappears completely into the handle when closed, and there doesn’t appear to be a nail nick, thumb stud, or flipper tab in sight, which makes this entirely a wrist-flick knife with a surprisingly slim profile for having an overall length over 9 inches.

The CRKT Crossbar lock.

While the Magnacut and crossbar lock are fresh in in the CRKT line up, they aren’t new elements for Hogue, who is already making two other folders for CRKT, and it looks like this third design won’t be the last collaboration. The Redemption is part of CRKT’s 2023 resolution to start offering more high-end knives, and they’ve been delivering on that through partnerships like this with Hogue, with LionSteel for more limited gentleman’s knives, and TOPS Knives for their outdoor fixed blade designs.

The Redemption is available now on the CRKT website.

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Avatar of Andrew North

Andrew has been a commercial writer for about a decade. He escaped from a life of writing mundane product descriptions by running away to the woods and teaching himself how to bake and chop stuff up in the kitchen. He has a background in landscaping, Filipino martial arts, and drinking whiskey.

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