One of Gerber’s most popular models to date got a makeover for the 4th of July. They’re calling in the Fastball Independence, and they’ve outfitted it with a blue backspacer, and red aluminum scales etched with a design of the US flag turning into a landscape. It’s also coming in a little more expensive than your standard Fastball, but not much. The rest holds to the same S30V steel and ball bearing action that everyone has come to love since the Fastball’s release.

There are some limitations besides the number of models made. The new dressing only comes on the standard modified wharncliffe blade with aluminum scales (so there will be no patriotism with a cleaver blade and G10), and it looks like you can only get it through the Gerber Gear site.
While you’re there, you should also check out their custom shop page, because they’ve added a couple new designs to that section. Most notable of which is the Center-Drive multitool. You can now choose the sheath material and combination of colors between the handle, the tools, and the jaws. You can also have the blade laser engraved with text, graphics, or images in the same way as the other knives in their custom page.
The Fastball is also in the custom shop, so you could just make your US-themed version if you want (although that will take longer to ship).There should be just enough time to order the Fastball Independence and have it time to be your EDC while you’re grilling and lighting fireworks.